Flower of Life - All is One - Wall Art - Poster

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Flower of Life Mural - Poster - Canvas

The flower of life is the living pattern of creation, the matrix of all being. It is the formative development of structures and for thousands of years the symbol has been known around the world and in many different cultures. It was discovered, for example, in Egypt in the Osiris Temple in Abydos and at the entrance to the Forbidden City in China. The flower of life is said to have a harmonizing and energy-balancing effect. It is a symbol of infinity and is said to increase positive vibrations and reduce negative blockages. The Flower of Life, also known as the Flower of Life, consists of 19 circles and is the most well-known symbol of sacred geometry. Sacred geometry is the basic building block of creation, giving us access to unity and all things divine. It follows mathematical and universal laws such as the Pythagorean theorem, Fibonacci sequence and the golden ratio. We find music, architecture and works of art that were created after her to be particularly beautiful.

Everything is one! The poster reminds you that we are all connected and everything influences each other. Whenever you feel alone, sad or helpless, visualize the symbol and feel the harmonizing energy and the great web of awareness and love. Everything that has ever been created is perfect, including you. Everything vibrates in perfect harmony, like the universal vibrational pattern of the Flower of Life. Meditate, visualize the universal vibrational pattern and feel the connection. This is how you come to rest, self-knowledge, harmony and peace. The mural reminds you of your inner strength, your perfection and the many possibilities and abilities that you can draw from this inner strength.

Flower of Life - All is One - Wall Art - Poster

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