Enso Circle - Zen Symbol for Enlightenment & Infinity - Wall Sticker

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Enso Circle Wall Decal

The Enso circle represents a Japanese calligraphy symbol associated with Zen Buddhism. Enso literally translates from Japanese as "circle form". This Asian symbol represents consciousness, mindfulness, strength, elegance, enlightenment, beauty, infinity, and the universe, the void, the "true reality". The Asian symbol is also called the "expression of the moment" because it requires mindfulness and complete presence in the moment to draw the circle with a brushstroke. Enso is drawn in Zen painting with a single flowing brushstroke, for which there is no possibility of correction or change afterwards. Some artists practice drawing the circle daily as a spiritual and meditative exercise. Only those who have inner balance can paint a balanced Enso. Therefore, the execution of such a circle reveals the state of consciousness of the painter particularly well.

Everything that happens on our Earth follows a cycle and is interconnected. In Zen, Enso has a particularly deep symbolic meaning and is a sacred symbol.

The effect of this symbol also makes it clear that we are all connected in this moment and live in mutual interaction. Therefore, the simplicity of the circle creates calm and harmony in any space. Suitable for naturopaths, yoga studios, medical practices, psychologists, wellness hotels, meditation rooms, or for your own four walls. When decorating your house or apartment with this wall decal, choose an important area of your life and place this design there. A symbol of such fundamental energy actually fits in any room.

Enso Circle - Zen Symbol for Enlightenment & Infinity - Wall Sticker

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